Power of Group Buying

Groupon :  Its a group buying website that allows users to strike mouthwatering deals for products or services. Discount ranges from 25% to 90%. You have to pay nominal upfront fee to the website and if the deal does not struck, you get the refund. So watch out for deals available for your city. Also : Tippr

Indian sites : Mydala, Koovs, Mobstreet, Dealsandyou

Encyclopedia of life

Encyclopedia of Life :  "Imagine an electronic page for each species of organism on Earth.". It is a free, online collaborative encyclopedia intended to document all of the 1.8 million living species known to science. It aims to build one "infinitely expandable" page for each species, including video, sound, images, graphics, as well as text.

Print what you like

Print what you like : With this online utility, you can remove ads, images of a webpage before printing. You can also change font size or font type. Save money and environment by reducing paper and ink usage.

Quillpad : Write in your own language

Quillpad is a free online typing tool. You can write in 10 Indian languages including Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu etc with its online editor. For example, type 'aap kaise hain' in the Quillpad editor and it will convert it directly into Devanagari script. You can save or email your message.

Wobzip : Uncompress on the fly

Wobzip : Sometimes, you may go to your friends house and download some zip file. But, maybe your friend PC does not have software to uncompress it. Wobzip can help you by providing uncompress service on the fly. It suppost various format, and the maximum file size supported is 100MB!

On the other way round, MailMyZip (Max size 2 mb per file) allows you to compress up to 5 files and also email the same.

Free DTP software

If you don't want to purchase expensive DTP software like Pagemaker, here is a list of free open source Desktop Publishing software which are also rich in features.

1. Scribus
2. Passepartout

RentAcoder : Outsource your work

RentAcoder: If you are a freelance programmer or want to outsource your work, this site will help you.

Rent A Coder is a web-based marketplace that connects businesses in need of computer programming expertise with a global, freelance market of programmers. It also connects businesses and freelancers in the areas of graphic design, writing, translation and numerous other services.

See Also : elance

Copyscape : Defend your site

Copyscape : The Copyscape service makes it easy to find copies of your content on the Web. Simply type in the address of your web page, and Copyscape does the rest. Copyscape finds sites that have copied your content without permission, as well as those that have quoted you.

Project Gutenberg : Free ebooks

Project Gutenberg : Free ebooks : There are over 20,000 free ebooks in the Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog. The collection has ebooks on variety of subjects like literature, history, art etc. All the ebooks can be freely downloaded.

Scribd : Online Library

Scribd is a big online library where everyone can publish original content.

... the idea behind Scribd is that everyone has a lot of documents sitting around on their computers that only they can read. With Scribd we hope to unlock this information by putting it on the web.

eHow : How to do just about everything

eHow : A reference site for just about everything else. Want to know how to tie a tie? Make pizza dough? Install a bathtub? This is the place.

Spypig : Free email tracking system

Spypig is a free email tracking system that lets you know when the email you sent has been read by recipient. It works with virtually all modern email programs: Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo Email, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL Email and many others. Cool tool and it's free!

Deezer : Listen to good music

Deezer : is a very good site where you can find massive amounts of songs to listen to (you canĀ“t download them, only listening is allowed).


Web2PDF Online Widget allows you to quickly provide PDF creation capability to your blogs and websites, converting HTML to PDF.

Web2PDF will also keep track of the PDF conversion activities from your site, which provides a metric to measure what is most popular or useful for your readers.

Wikitravel : Travel around the world

Wikitravel is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable worldwide travel guide. So far we have 16,861 destination guides and other articles written and edited by Wikitravellers from around the globe.

Like wikepedia, this site is going to be next super hit. Must for someone who travels around the world a lot.

Contactify : Email without the address

Contactify : Create your own personal contact form. Contactify creates the link, people click on it and then they can send you a message without you ever having to reveal your email address. Anyone who has ever put an email address online can appreciate the benefit of this! And it's free. Registration is super fast.

Fix-It Club

Fix-it Club : Learn how to repair or recycle household items that you might otherwise throw away.

6 sites that beat YouTube

If you think Youtube is numero uno site for free video sharing, think again. Here is a list of 6 sites that beat Youtube. They offer more features and some of them even share ad revenue with user.
1. blip.tv
2. stage6
3. veoh
4. revver
5. msn video
6. brightcove

A Word A Day :The magic of words

Wordsmith :If you are a die hard word lover, this is the site for you. It emails you new word every day with meaning, its origin etc. Subscription is free and very easy. It has half a million subsribers !

labnol : Best Tech Blog ?

labnol : There are many tech blogs around, but this one by Amit Agarwal, India is truly the best tech blog I have come across. Its no surprise that it generates more than 1 million hits per month. Strong content. Worth a visit.

flauntR : Online Image Editor

flauntR : While the basic image editing features in FlauntR are no different from other, what impressed the most are the variety of photo frames, textures and light effects that you can apply to digital images in a click. This is very handy when you have to quickly finetune a web image or a family picture but there is no graphics software like Photoshop, GIMP or Picasa installed on you computer.

Other online Image Editors : Phixr, GIFworks, Pixoh, PXN8

Voip Guide

Voipguides : Arguably, the most comprehensive blog on the subject covering a to z of voip.

FilesTube : Find any file ...

FilesTube is a search engine designed to search files in various file sharing and uploading sites. Search for "All" or by media type (mp3, wma, zip).
See also : findthatfile

Learn foreign Languages with Mango

Mango Languages has launched a in beta. Mango is an online tool for learning a language - Spanish, Russian, French, Italian and more. There is also option for English for Spanish speakers and English for Polish speakers.

StrokeIt : Mouse Gestures for Windows

StrokeIt - Mouse gestures are simple symbols that you "draw" on your screen using your mouse. When you perform a mouse gesture that StrokeIt can recognize, it will perform the "action" associated with that gesture. Free for individual.


Bubblesnaps - add a caption to your digital photos. The posibilities for fun are endless!


SketchUp - new from Google, plan out your home or garden and see it in 3D. Bookmark worthy just because it's so darned cool.

Yahoo Translator

Yahoo! Babel Fish - Translation - a handy bookmark to add, for all your translation needs, powered by translation old-timer Babel Fish, and with a similar interface that is familiar and easy to use.

Empressr : Online Presentation software

Empressr : online, ajax-powered presentation software. Impressive looking ... and free!

Picupine : Share photos for a week !

Picupine simple solution for quick sharing of photos for a short term. Uploaded photos disappear from the web after one week.

Daytipper: daily tips, tricks and techniques

Daytipper: Welcome to Daytipper. Based on the premise that everyone is an expert on something, Daytipper collects tips from a variety of areas (home, food, gardening, tech etc) and if they like your tip, they'll pay you $3 for it as well!

Daytipper is obviously really new and some of the tip categories are a little lean, but I'm sure once the word gets around a bit, the tips will start flowing in. A great site to add to your newsreader.

Good Widgets: photo display widgets

If you're looking for a nice and different way to display your photos on your website, you really should go and have a peek at Good Widgets.

Currently Good Widgets offers 3 different photo display widgets - the book, the stack and the slideshow. Each one is customizable to suit your site. Also, each is available in two flavours - free but has the Good Widgets logo and a smaller number of photos per widget OR Standard, which is priced from $2 to $4 and doubles the number of photos.

Phixr : Online Photo Editor

Phixr - Online Photo Editor is a site that can come in handy whenever your regular photo editor isn't handy. Perhaps on vacation or at a family members for Thanksgiving?

Simply upload a photo (or point to the photo's url), edit the photo with some easy to use photo tools (crop, rotate, sharpen, color balance, convert to black & white etc). Phixr actually has a nice selection of tools! To finish, either save your photo, email it or upload it to a photo site such as flickr, all from within phixr.

LabPixiex : Nice Gadgets

LabPixies - Coolest Gadgets On The Web - whatever your flavour of personal start page, LabPixies has a good selection of gadgets to add. Most available for Google and Windows Live and many available also for Pageflakes and Netvibes, with easy click-to-add functions.

Musicovery: a very cool way to discover music

With Musicovery : interactive webRadio you can determine what music to listen to by your mood, define it by genre or narrow it down to a particular decade. Choose to hear only only hits or only non hits or set it to discovery mode to, um ...discover.

Make your picks then watch musicovery deliver just the right musical choices for you. I like!

Signbot: make your own animated scrolling text LED sign

Signbot - make your own animated scrolling text LED sign. Write your text, select a sign width then generate to add to your MySpace or website or use as your forum sig or avatar. The generator will generator regular and LiveJournal-specific code.

Wordie: Like Flickr, but without the photos

Calling all Wordies. Wordie lets you make lists of words. Words you love, words you hate, words you just want to share with the world. Then you can see who else likes your words or comment on other people's choice of words. Or whatever.

Wordie has a bookmarklet that will let you select and then import words right in to Wordie.

List of free online education sites

Online Education Free - for anyone in a perpetual search for knowledge, a huge list of links to online sources of education.

Footnote: view original documents online

Footnote - The place for original documents online a new site with millions of images of original source documents, many of which have never been available online before. Beyond viewing these documents though, the site offers the user the ability to annotate, organize and add their own documents to share with others.

"Footnote has something for everyone, from individual history buffs to groups and societies looking for a smart way to make their collections available to millions of people."

Fascination stuff and a great site to get lost in for a while.

Movers 2.0

Movers 2.0 - Follow the Web 2.0 traffic trends - see which sites are on the move, who is gaining (or losing) rank.

WIth so many sites popping up everyday, it's interesting to see who has been able to break away and grab a decent market share. Also a great place to discover some of the up-and-comers. Interesting.

Todoist: simple, dynamic todo list manager

Simple todo list manager: Todoist is a simple, efficient and dynamic todo list manager, aimed at getting us organized it "Getting Things Done" fashion.

Free sign up required to get started.

Good Reads: see what your friends are reading

Goodreads | see what your friends are reading and keep track of what you've read and what you'd like to read. Goodreads allows users to rate books, so it's easy to see which books are hits with people you know

Big String: Get your email back

BigString.com - The World's Coolest Email allows you to recall any sent email for those inevitable moments of email remorse.

Free, and paid Premium/Business Accounts available.

Newseum: Newspaper Front Pages from around the World

Newseum : 495 front pages from 50 countries. See how papers all over the place are covering a story. Interesting.

Kool Messenger

Kool IM - log in to many popular messenger services at the same time through Kool IM. The services include ICQ, Yahoo, MSN and Google Talk.

Create PDF Online

PDF Online : Simply upload the document you want to convert to PDF and voila it's done!

Zapr - Really Simple Sharing

Zapr - Really Simple Sharing is not just another Drop Send clone. You don't have to upload anything. You can share files by having them retrieve the files right from your computer.

Free polls for your blogs and websites

PollDaddy is simple and flexible, allowing you to customize the styles to match your website or email campaign. Deliver your poll through JavaScript, direct link, widget or RSS feed.

And free, too. Currently in public beta.

Free Auto Bibliography Generator

OttoBib - Free Auto Bibliography Generator is a great tool for anyone who is in research mode!

Free Receive-only email

dodgeit - free. receive-only. email. no set up. rss. for those times when you have to give an email but you really don't want to give one that you actually use.

Online Alarm Clock

Online Alarm Clock - Sometimes, the very simplest tools are the most useful. I can think of ways this would be useful. If you can too, head on over and bookmark for future use.

Foxit PDF Reader

Foxit Software released v 2.0 of it's free PDF Reader, a great alternative to Adobe's Reader. Combine the free Foxit PDF Reader with the Firefox PDF Download Extension and Bob's your uncle.

Zippy: A new way to search

Zippy - The webmaster's meta search engine - goes beyond just search results. Check SEO information, related searches, compare two urls etc.

Create a collage from a single photograph

Hockneyizer: Create a simulated collage from a single photograph - a couple of styles to chose from to create a unique photo presentation.

Eight Ways to Quickly Resize Images

Image resizing tools aren't just for people who don't have Photoshop, or the non tech savvy. I often take screen capture snippets for posting to this blog and if they exceed the width of my content area, I need to resize them. And I don't want to open up Photoshop (or another image program) to do it. Call me impatient or lazy or whatever, but that just seems like killing a fly with a hammer.

So, with that in mind, here are 8 ways to quickly resize images ...

My tool of choice:
Windows XP Image Resizing Power Tool

Online Image Resizing Services:
Original Resizr
Image Squash

Use Photoshop an easier way:
Create a Photoshop Droplet to handle image resizing

Lyrics plugin for Windows Media Player or Winamp

The Lyrics Plugin is "an add-on to view lyrics in WinAmp or Windows Media Player. No more searching for lyrics. Just start listening to your favourite songs and lyrics will be displayed automatically. Oh, and if lyrics is not found, you can add it yourself :)"

Lyrics Plugin is malware, adware, spyware free and is currently in open beta.

Free website monitoring service

"Mon.itor.us is the only external website monitoring service which provides commercial grade distributed monitoring services absolutely for FREE."

Monitor.us service is free and there are no limits on the number of sites monitored. Get notifications via RSS feeds or email, performance reports and customizable metrics and a desktop workspace.

Clocks for your website

ClockLink From their websites "provides fashionable clocks that you can easily embed in your web page. All you need to do is simply paste the tag on your web page. Our clock will display the city name of your choice if you choose. You can also choose a time zone for your clock so it will show the correct time."

Website Thumbnails For Your Site

WebSnapr - Website Thumbnails For Your Site. : It is a screenshot tool and also provides screenshot thumbnails for use in link thumbnails (hovering over a link shows a thumbnail-sized screenshot of the link destination page).

mypictr: online image resizer

mypictr - is an online image resizer that is perfectly suited for creating a custom sized profile image but could also be used for any quick and easy image resizing needs.

mypictr offers a handy dropdown box for a bunch of social networks, which will spit out the correct sizing for each one. There are also some generic sizing options as well as (I assume) the ability to just plug in your own dimensions.

Once resized, you can download the image to your own computer. Images are not retained on mypictr.

Textorizer: Vectorize a picture

Textorizer - vectorise a picture using text strings. To use the cool textorizer generator, simply point to an image on the web, enter the text to add, set some size and effect controls and then Textorize! Neat effect.

Clock Screensaver

Would you like your screensaver to display the time? Here's a small (472kb) Windows screensaver program to download and install that contains 14 different clock screensavers. Clock Screensaver:

The handwritten one is very cool and the timeline is very slick. Don't be put off by the fact that the site looks a bit dated. The software will run fine on WindowsXP and is spyware, adware etc free.

Zamsar : Convert files online

Zamzar - Free online file conversion - without downloading or installing anything!

Zamzar converts to a wide range of image, document, audio and video formats. The maximum file size is limited to 100MB.

gabmail : Free Video Mail

If you'd like to be seen as well as heard, check out Gabmail - a free, video email tool, that requires no download, installation or registration.

Ambient Clock

AmbientClock is about more than telling time. At a glance, it shows you your events for the day. The backlighting changes color prior to your next appointment to subtly get your attention, as well.

This online beta will hook up your Google Calendar with a Google Personal Homepage gadget, and wrap your daily schedule around the clock.

Weebly : Create your own website

Weebly - Website Creation Made Easy says it's the easiest way to a create great looking website and share it with the world for free. And featuring a drag and drop interface, a variety of themes, personalized subdomains, zip exports (in case you want to host your site on another server) and many content elements (photos, videos, maps, ads etc), they just might be right.

Looks like a great tool for those who want a site but don't have the skills to build one or for anyone who just wants a fast and easy site.

Phrase Express: say more, type less

PhraseExpress Autotext - Clipboard Utility organizes your frequently used text phrases and allows you to paste them into any application.

"Do you find yourself typing common phrases over and over again? Just store abbreviations, answers to frequently asked questions, email templates or text snippets in PhraseExpress and reuse them again and again."

Phrase Express is a small (1.3MB) Windows program, with a lot of features to save keystrokes in every program - like MS Office programs, MSN Messenger, comments on blogs etc.

Free Online Ringtone Maker

Free web ringtone maker. Load up a tune from your computer, an audio url or the web (max size 5MB) and turn it in to a ringtone. Accepts mp3, midi, m4a, aac, wav and mp4 formats.

Online Icon Maker

Online Icon Maker - create your own icons in an online free editor - A quick and easy way to create your own unique icon or favicon. Use their editor or create a favicon from a picture on your computer.

A Site A Day !

There are plenty of sites which gives you a unique site everyday. Here are some of the interesting ones :

Coolsiteoftheday : A cool site is chosen everyday. Also see site chosen by coolpick.

Cruel site of the day : A daily dark-humored, mean-spirited or bleak site.

Political site of the day : Political Site of the Day is one of the ORIGINAL Political Information sites (since 1995), and still is updated daily. An oldie but a goodie.

Celbrity site of the day : Everyday a new Celebrity Site of the Day is chosen. Visit Celebrity Site of the Day daily for the new Celebrity Site of the Day!

Reference Site of the day : Lists interesting site every day on varied subject like history, economy, science, geography etc., predominantly sites relating to US.

Dan Pollock's site of the day : Check back every day for a new link to something useful, funny, or at the very least different from the day before.

The Weird Site - A classy selection of weird, strange and bizzare sites, funny links, exclusive humor and bizarre news.

A site a day : This is for web designers in desperate need for inspiration. It gives one unique site every day to get your creative juices going

Free Online Image Library

Windows on our world, is a site dedicated to online image library of royalty free geographical photographs. It has a collection of more than 3000 images which users can download free of charge and use for educational purposes.

The site categorises all the pictures into multi categories and each image has keywords attached to it, including category, location and description.

Every Click Pays

Search engines such as goodsearch and everyclick have ushered in new concept, namely sharing income earned from their search operations to charity. Goodsearch and everyclick donate 50 percent of its revenues to charities.

Now, there is a new entrant, Zotspot, the first search engine to pay its users in cash for their normal search behaviour. By using Zotspot as their primary search engine, users earn money and also have the option of allocating a portion of all of their earnings to one or more of their favourite charities or universities.
The rationale behind these efforts is that both search engines and online advertisers have made billions of dollers in revenue. But the users, without whom the whole exercise and busines model is flop, have been completely left out of this bounty.

Extreme Digital Photography

Explore extremely high resolution gigapixel digital photography with www.Xrez.com.

Gigapixel image is tremendously engaging and allows a level of exploration not normally associated with prior printed images.

For now forget megapixels and take a look at the images here. The amount of clarity and the level of zoom one can execute is simply spellbinding. The gallary section has a selection of images. Follow the simple instructions to navigate the image.